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Monday, October 11, 2010

Keeping Your Word!

Dear Mr. William Trahant and Mr. Richard Collucci,

This letter is addressed to both of you because both of you were present at the September meeting of the Highlands Coalition, Inc. stated that you were going to have the state come to the Ford School to verify whether or not the modifications made to the wheelchair ramp are adequate to meet ADA accessibility standards,

I was wondering about the status of the progress of your promised request. As both of you are aware, reestablishing the Ford School as a polling place is of vital importance of the citizens of the Highlands. For me, Ford School is a much more readily accessible location and I am sure it would be for other disabled and elderly citizens that have mobility issues
I realize when you made the promise it was the night before the Primary and too late for that election but I was wondering when your promise was going to be fulfilled. I am requesting to be updated on your progress going forward.

Stanley H. Wotring, Jr.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Status Quo, Here We Go!

Dear Mayor Kennedy,

Even though I heard indirectly from three different sources that you were going to give me a letter of introduction for my independent audit of Lynn's polling places for their compatibility with ADA voting regulations. The letter never came.

Despite your lack of follow through, I proceeded with my task. I shared the results of my findings immediately in two separate letters. I tried to be helpful in my suggestions and even helped to make suggestions for better  compliance.

Unfortunately the pattern of your failure to follow through continued and my efforts were not even acknowledged. It seems that your ignoring the rights of certain segments of our citizens leads me to believe that your administration is playing politics as usual.

Your lack of leadership on this matter only places you in the same category as the last administration who used a perversion of ADA to bolster their plans to gerrymander the precincts to influence the elections. This was done by removing Ford School as a polling place.

I had high hopes for you and your administration coming into your term. Given your past experience as a Ride driver I thought you would bring a greater level of sensitivity to the Mayor's office. Sadly it appears that your background in real estate law has been the greater influence. I am disappointed.

Stanley H. Wotring, Jr.